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The night I almost went crazy


Alison GresikIn my 31st summer, I was learning how to live without drugs to control my anxious, extreme thinking. For three years, the antidepressant Celexa had managed my brain while I learned to take care of myself, to ask for what I wanted and stop trying to please everyone else first. But I had reached the point where it was time to take back the mental reins. And the ride was rough.

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Crawling out of the Dark


meI’m an author living happily in Bristol, but it’s taken a long fight with depression, eating disorders and self harm to get to where I am today. I hope my story might help other people making the same journey.

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In Good Company


Marianne ElliottDepression runs in my family. My grandmother experienced depression. Two of my uncles have experienced severe depression. And then there’s me. I’ve been through two episodes of clinical depression, the second while I was in Afghanistan, complicated with post-trauma-related issues. Well, actually, maybe that isn’t so much a “family run” of depression so much as a normal family. If I remember correctly, depressive disorders affect about 15% of the adult population.

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In praise of Zoloft


Rachel ColeRachel Cole shares what helped her overcome anxiety, and discusses how Western medication can complement Eastern approaches to finding ease in life. Through psychotherapy, meditation, practicing compassion, examining her genetic predisposition, and yes, taking Zoloft, Rachel has been able to live a life that is even keel and peaceful. While each person travels their own path, and one size does not fit all, Rachel offers her experience in the hopes it may help you.

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The Goddess with Post Natal Depression


Leonie DawsonMy loves, this is the longest post I’ve ever written – it’s now over 8000 words. It’s taken me many months to write, and two years to live. I wanted to tell my story so it may help other souls who’ve gone through a dark night of the soul. Most of all, I want to say: I love you. I understand. I know. I hear you. I’ve been so touched by the incredible, brave sharings of the souls who have experienced the same thing. Our stories can change the world. This is mine. Love, Goddess Leonie.

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